Tag: Dimmuborgir

Standing of the Stones: Island Volcanoes Abounding Edition

Hello and welcome to a new, semi-weekly feature in which I’ll share snippets of earth science news, cool things I’ve stumbled across, pretty pictures, status reports on upcoming articles, and whatever else seems interesting.

La Palma: Still on Fire

This has been one of the longest eruptions in La Palma’s recorded history, and is posed to be the longest, if it keeps going. Some of the recent lava fountains have exceeded 1,600 feet (500m) in height. The person who runs the GeologyHub channel has discovered a pattern in the data that suggests something interesting (and ominous to the locals) about the relationship between deep earthquakes and eruption activity on the island.

Can you believe where some of that ash ended up?!

It looks like the eruption may break some records. Interesting times indeed.

Why Is La Palma Like This?
