Vote. It’s the Most Important Thing You Can Do

It’s Election Day in the United States. We have an important choice to make and a vital task to complete. If you haven’t voted yet, you have hours left to get your ballot in.

I voted a straight Blue ticket. It’s the only reasonable choice, and I would have made it even if George W. Bush’s disastrous reign hadn’t already pushed me left. All of my life, I’ve watched Republicans become steadily more anti-democracy, anti-science, anti-reason, anti-LGBTQ, anti-diversity, and anti-woman.

Those tendencies culminated in Trump, who has at times actually made me nostalgic for the Bush era.Trump has been an utter disaster for our country. He has been a disaster for science, for our public lands, for public education, and for democracy. He is a racist bully who has emboldened white supremacists. He ripped children away from their parents, and now hundreds of them may never be reunited. He has cozied up to dictators while pushing away on allies. He’s… well, a list of his sins would keep us here through election night.

And Republicans have enabled him all the way.

A clear message needs to be sent that this is not what the majority of Americans stand for. The only way to defeat the pandemic without sacrificing hundreds of thousands more lives, restore science, protect our public lands, save our schools, begin to heal our nation’s racial wounds, reunite children with their families, preserve and expand health care access, restore our economy, defeat bigotry, and shore up our democracy is to vote Blue.

Biden, Harris, and a Democratic majority in the House and Senate are the only way to begin to repair the damage caused by four years of Republican misrule.

If you’re a middle-of-the-road voter who wants to see politicians working across the aisle again for the common good, the only way to achieve that is to hand Republicans such a resounding defeat this year and the next several cycles that they are forced to clean the hyperpartisan, fascist elements out of their party.

If you’re progressive and want to see a progressive take the White House, you need to vote for the only party that will preserve, protect, and expand our voting rights long enough for us to make it happen.

Please do the single most important thing you can right now. Go vote.

Blue wave

I’ll see you back here afterward for the tectonics behind the recent Aegean Sea earthquake.

Featured Image Credit: Rick Obst (CC BY 2.0)

, November 3, 2020. Public Policy , , , ,

About Dana Hunter

Confirmed geology aficionado Dana Hunter is a science writer whose work has appeared in Scientific American, the New York Times, and Open Lab. She explores the earth sciences with an emphasis on volcanic processes, regional tectonics, and the intersection of science and society, sometimes illustrated with cats. Join her at for epic adventures in the good science of rock-breaking.