Tag: Harris

Madame Pele Breezes Back In

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Allow me to set the scene: bugger-all was going on at Kilauea Volcano. Madame Pele had shut up shop in May and taken a luana iki (little rest). Perhaps she paid a visit to Iceland’s bouncing baby shield volcano. She may have stopped by La Palma to give her cousin some encouragement.

Back at Kilauea, there were a few rumbles in late August, with an intrusion of magma to the summit. But after that delivery, nothing much happened for most of September. It seemed to many that Pele’s luana iki might turn in to a long winter’s nap.

Madame had no such plans.

Timelapse showing the onset of the eruption. Watch the lower right tip of the island at the beginning – that frame is looped so you can see the uplift right before the vent opens. Click here for a full-size image. Credit: USGS



Vote. It’s the Most Important Thing You Can Do

It’s Election Day in the United States. We have an important choice to make and a vital task to complete. If you haven’t voted yet, you have hours left to get your ballot in.

I voted a straight Blue ticket. It’s the only reasonable choice, and I would have made it even if George W. Bush’s disastrous reign hadn’t already pushed me left. All of my life, I’ve watched Republicans become steadily more anti-democracy, anti-science, anti-reason, anti-LGBTQ, anti-diversity, and anti-woman.

Those tendencies culminated in Trump, who has at times actually made me nostalgic for the Bush era.Trump has been an utter disaster for our country. He has been a disaster for science, for our public lands, for public education, and for democracy. He is a racist bully who has emboldened white supremacists. He ripped children away from their parents, and now hundreds of them may never be reunited. He has cozied up to dictators while pushing away on allies. He’s… well, a list of his sins would keep us here through election night.

And Republicans have enabled him all the way.
